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Intensive Treatment Programs 

Next Steps operates five Intensive Treatment programs.  One for women and four for men who are diagnosed with ID/DD, mental health disorders and or are justice involved.  One of the programs was developed with international experts and is a one-of-a-kind, state of the art program for men with fire setting histories.  These programs are designed to provide pervasive supports and intense treatment in order to stabilize and assist individuals in learning skills and making progress in treatment so they may step to their next program.  There is no set timelines on lengths of stay as we tailor an appropriate timeline to each person that is therapeutically appropriate 

We assist the individuals in becoming more autonomous, competent, and connected with others across all areas of their functioning.  We focus on what are often called “good lives goals” – those goals, experiences, states of being, and achievements that are common to all human beings

The programs provide high staff to client ratios and environmental modifications to keep individuals and the community safe.  The day-to-day programming is highly structured, with robust daily schedules and is developed for each person.  Individualized clinical and behavioral treatment; counseling services; independent living skill development; vocational/educational skill development; and relationship-oriented coaching, mentoring, and teaching are the staples of the program.

Step Down Programs

Next Steps operates three ITS “step down programs”, two for men and one for women.  These homes serve individuals who have met the criteria to be discharged from an ITS program or are in need of group home with services that are not quite as pervasive as an ITS program.  These programs provide a safe environment to work on progressive independence plans.  If necessary, Next Steps can quickly increase and or decrease services to meet people where they are currently functioning.  We recognize that these individuals can experience brief setbacks while still making progress overall.  The goal of these programs are for each individual to become autonomous and successful in attaining their goals, so they may progress down the continuum of care.

Long Term Care Programs

Next Steps operates two ITS long-term care programs which provides in-depth, focused clinical services to three males.  Their lengths of stay may be more extensive and they will be working on their Good Lives goals in order to live their best lives.  The program provides pervasive staff supports and clinical services.  The focus is on working and or volunteering in the community, learning how to be a good housemate,

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